Monday, September 21, 2009

PR Post #3- The Need for Speed

I saw a commercial today that reminded me how up-to-date technology can make things so much more efficient, especially when it concerns getting a message out. This can benefit everyone, but PR personnel at the very least should definitely consider these ideas.

This is an AT&T commercial but the idea behind it is a perfect example of what Public Relations practitioners should be thinking about.

From a PR perspective, this essentially shows that conventional print media is not up to the speed of our technologically advanced populations. A source can send a message through a channel, (A little girl can ask for help finding her dog through posters) and only a handful of receivers will happen upon the message, much less take the time to interpret it. Electronic media not only brings the message directly to an audience, but it has the potential to reach exponentially larger numbers. As seen the the commercial, one person instantaneously communicated with multiple people who in turn passed the message on to several others. The public relations field should definitely consider these ideas when it comes to choosing the channels for their messages.

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